Friday, January 15, 2016

Marks Cut-Off

Last day to hand in ANY missing assignments is MONDAY, JANUARY 25 at 12noon. 

I will be here in class all morning on Monday, January 25 if you want help finishing your assignments. 

As always, assignments will be accepted by email. 

***No assignments will be marked or recorded after 12noon on Monday! ***

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Grade 10 Provincial Exam RULES

Provincial Exams RULES

Students are required to bring the following information/materials:

- Driver’s Licence, or P.E.N. Personal Education Number, a Ministry-assigned 9-digit ID number

often referred to as your “PEN number” (if you don’t know your PEN, see your report card for this number)

- calculator (if nec)

- water (clear bottle, no labels)

• The pre-exam gathering site is the Cafeteria.

• Please note you are to arrive no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of the exam, i.e.

8:00 for the morning session, and 12:00 PM for the afternoon session.

• Instructions will be given at 30 minutes before the exam start time, and then students will

be escorted to the exam room and signed-in.

• Note: If you arrive late, then go directly to the exam room; however, if you are more than

30 minutes late, by order of the BC Ministry of Education, you are not permitted to write.

• Once the exam commences, you are required to remain in the exam room for a minimum

Cell phones, iPods, and other electronic devices are prohibited from being with you

during the exam. Advice: leave these at home, in your locker, or in your vehicle.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Grade Ten Provincial Exam Schedule

The Grade 10 Provincial Exam is on January 26 at 8:30am. 

Here is a link to view a schedule for all of the provincial exams for this school year.

Remember! You can look at many past provincial exams and answer keys here: