Independent Novel Study

Independent Novel Study                       

This novel study is designed to give you plenty of freedom as to which and how many books you choose to read independently. You will be expected to bring your book to each class but also read on your own at home. Choose a book appropriate to your reading level to ensure you can complete the reading ahead of the assignment deadlines. Ask your teacher for suggestions if you are unsure what is appropriate.

·       Read at least two novels over the course of the semester.
·       Divide each novel into 4 sections.
·       Read each section; then, complete 1 assignment.
·       Complete at least one assignment from each of the 4 categories (Reading, Writing, Speaking, Representing).
          Hand in at least one assignment by each deadline date given by your teacher.

·       If you are an avid reader, you may choose to read more than two novels and hand in different assignments for different novels.
·       You may choose to hand in assignments as they are completed BEFORE the deadline date.
·       You may choose to complete assignments from a given category more than once to improve your mark in that category.

Create a (200 word) text message conversation between your character and another character in the novel, assuming this technology exists at the time. Include a brief paragraph that sets the context for the conversation.
Come up with a theme statement for this moment in your novel. In a well-written expository paragraph, briefly explain why the theme is accurate for this section of the novel.  Then, explain why this theme is important for people to be aware of in real life today (300 words).
Record a radio/podcast interview with the main character. The interview must include at least 5 questions and detailed answers. Your recording should be around 2 minutes in length.

Create a 5-song playlist for your character at this particular moment in the novel. Include a brief explanation of why each song is an appropriate choice.
Choose 5 moments from this section of your novel and create a status update on Facebook for each moment. Write a few sentences for each status update that makes it clear why this character would be feeling this way (e.g. When Katniss volunteers for the Hunger Games in place of her sister, her status update might read: omg. i may have just signed up for...) Please use a Facebook-style template for this!
Write a short narrative (story) that expands on something you already knew about one of the characters but no details were given. (For example, what happened to Primrose after Katniss volunteered to take her place?). 200-300 words

From this section of your novel, select a scene to act out and film (2-3 minutes).

Create a collection of at least 5 photographs that would be important to your character (hint: you may need to stage moments with peer-actors for this or choose to photograph inanimate things of symbolic importance to your character). Include a brief explanation of why each photo is an appropriate choice. DO NOT select photos from the internet. Take your own original photos.
Create a 300-word diary entry for a main character in your novel, exploring how they are feeling at this moment.
Write a 12-line poem that explores the current situation in the novel. Use as much description and imagery (five senses!) as you can.

Record a conversation between the main character and a therapist; the discussion should reflect important issues that apply to the protagonist. Your recording should be around 2 minutes in length.     
Create a map of the setting of your novel. Be sure to label your map with key features in the setting. Include brief explanations with your labels and a legend.
Create a Craigslist ad for your character. They may need to buy or sell something, advertise an event, seek out a place to live, need to hire an assistant, etc.). Include a brief, informal paragraph that explains your ad.
Write a 1-2 page script that is centred around one of the main events or issues in this section. Do not copy dialogue from the novel; create your own version of what was said, or create your own event & dialogue related to the story.
Write and record a trailer/commercial for the novel. Your recording can be visual and/or audio. (Around 2 minutes in length).
Create a visual representation (drawing, painting, collage, etc.) that shows how the character would grow and change 10 years from the moment you just read.  Include a brief, informal paragraph that explains your representation.
Create a survival kit for your character which includes 5 or more useful items that would be plausible for your character (i.e. iPhones, flashlights, laptops, electricity may or may not have existed in the setting of your novel). Include a list of each item and a 2- or 3-line explanation of why you believe it would be necessary and useful.
Write a newspaper article about a major event from this section of the novel. Be sure to include the 5 Ws + H (Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How?)

Identify an incident in the novel in which you have been in the same situation or have felt the same way. Discuss the character’s experience and your experience. Explain how the character handled his or her feelings and how you handled yours.  Record your experiences to hand in. (5 minutes max).
Create a storyboard for this part of your novel. Include a minimum of eight panels and be sure to include details for each.

Find a poem or write a poem that connects with the main character’s experience. In an informal paragraph, explain the connections.

Write an instruction book for how to be the protagonist. (For example, Harry Potter’s book might include how to buy a wand, how to make Butterbeer, or how to play Quidditch.) Your book should include at least four topics.

Acting as one of the characters in your novel, go off on a 2-minute rant about a topic that he or she would feel passionately about. Film or record your rant. Include a brief intro to set up the context/explain the reason for this rant.

Create a theme song for this section of the novel. You may choose an already-existing song and re-write the lyrics or write your own original song. *OPTIONAL: Record yourself performing this song. Include a brief informal paragraph that explains your representation.

ü  Four assignments, one from each category (Reading, Writing, Representing, Speaking)

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